(Although this lesson is part of an 8 lesson unit, it can be purchased as a stand alone lesson if needed)
***Comprehensive Sexual Education Lesson 4 Contains the Following:
- Lesson Slides
- Contraception Methods Digital Escape Room with KEY
- Exit Ticket
- Kahoot
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- Lesson 4: Contraception Methods "Ticket" that includes the following:
- Force Copy Link to Lesson Slides
- All other lesson activities are linked within the slide deck.
Lesson 4: Contraception Methods
(24 slides)
- CA State Standard Addressed (adjust to match your state standard) *Bold = specifically addressed:
- Grades Seven – Eight
- 1.5.G Explain the effectiveness of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives in preventing HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy.
- 5.1.G Analyze why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV, STDs, and pregnancy.
- High School
- 1.12.G Evaluate the safety and effectiveness (including success and failure rates) of FDA approved condoms and other contraceptives in preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
- 1.4.G Identify why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
- 3.3.G Compare the success and failure rates of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives in preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy.
- 6.1.G Evaluate how HIV, AIDS, other STDs, or pregnancy could impact life goals.
- 6.2.G Identify short- and long-term goals related to abstinence and maintaining reproductive and sexual health, including the use of FDA-approved condoms and other contraceptives for pregnancy and STD prevention.
- Grades Seven – Eight
- Objectives Addressed:
- Recap how pregnancy occurs.
- Define abstinence.
- Evaluate how pregnancy could impact life goals.
- Identify various contraceptive methods and explain their effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.
- Terms Addressed: birth control, abstinence, contraception, pregnancy, condom, female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge, hormonal birth control, surgical birth control, implant, injection, the bill, the patch, hormonal contraceptive rings, ovulation, copper T intrauterine device (IUD), levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LBG,IUD), tubal ligation, vasectomy.
- Activities Included:
- How do Women Get Pregnant Video
- Contraception Methods Escape Room
- Puzzles
- Answer Key
- Google Form
- Exit Ticket
- Kahoot
- In the “notes” section of the Slides there are some talking points, guides, and ideas, and essential questions for the teacher.
Everything is fully editable to meet your student needs!
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Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
L4: Contraception Methods
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