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Interactive Google Slides "Communication Skills"

Let's be honest, communication skills among the younger generation is greatly lacking. Teaching such skills is an absolute MUST! I have created this wonderful interactive informative lesson and activity that students can easily navigate! Slides are "GEN-Z" approved. It's up to you how you choose to use this resource. Use it as an asynchronous self-taught lesson & assignment. OR incorporate this as an activity/assignment along side your own lesson!


Assignment Goal:

This is a simple, clear, and direct assignment that aims to inform students of communication skills that consist of speaking, listening, and body language. It also address the 4 styles of communication: passive, aggressive, passive aggressive, and assertive.

What's Included

A total of 12 slides + 1 PDF document, 5 embedded videos, & lots of GIFs.


  • Slide 1 - The assignment title page with instructions along the margins to help students navigate the Google Slides. Cute design that gets student's attention!
  • Slide 2 - Students are instructed to drag the interactive circle over the method of communication that they are currently using the most.
  • Slide 3 - Students are instructed to click on each of the 3 parts of communication to learn more and complete the lesson activities. There are also some fun facts that pop up on the screen.
  • Slide 4 - All about speaking skills. Students are directed to watch 3 YouTube videos that depict the meaning of pitch, volume, emphasis, prolong, and rate.
  • Slide 5 - Students are asked 4 questions about speaking skills.
  • Slide 6 - All about listening skills. Students are prompted to click on linked PDF that defines each of the listening skills: pay attention, withhold judgement, reflect, clarify, summarize, and share.
  • Slide 7 - Students are instructed to watch a YouTube video clip that illustrates active listening. They are asked 2 questions about listening skills related to the video.
  • Slide 8 - All about body language! Students are introduced to the 3 body language components: facial expressions, gestures, and posture. They are instructed to continue clicking through to the next slide to complete the lesson activity.
  • Slide 9 - Tapping into a deeper DOK level, students are given a role as a hiring manager. They are asked to choose a person they would hire based on their body language.
  • Slide 10 - Introduces the 4 styles of communication: Passive, Aggressive, Passive Aggressive, and Assertive. An informative YouTube video is linked for them to view to get a better understanding of the 4 styles of communication.
  • Slide 11 and 12 - Students are presented with a scenario of a conversation between two friends. They are asked to identify the style of communication that is taking place. On slide 12 students are asked rephrase the "response" to be more assertive.
  • Slide 13 - Summary slide. Students are asked to identify the 3 parts of communication (speaking, listening, and body language). They are also asked to identify the 4 styles of communication (passive, aggressive, passive aggressive, and assertive).
  • PDF Document Page 1 - Listening Skills: The 6 Active Listening Skills are defined. 6 GIFs are included for a visual.


* Note - Assignment can be shared as a "force copy". This will allow students to have their own copy. Simply edit the URL on your copy by replacing the word "edit" with "copy". Open the new URL with the word "copy", and share that link with students.


*Assignment can also be downloaded as a PPT to share with students who do not have Google account access.


*The background of the slides are "locked" into place. Students are NOT able to move around the questions, videos, and other text. If you wish to edit to fit your needs, please request the CANVA template from me by emailing me at


California State Standards Addressed


Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication All students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.


7th-8th Grade:

  • 4.5.S Describe characteristics of effective communication.
  • 4.6.S Differentiate between passive, aggressive, and assertive communication.


California State Standards Addressed 9th-12th Grade:

  • 4.1.G Analyze how interpersonal communication affects relationships.

Communication Skills

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