Interactive Google Slides "Nutrition Through the Lifecycle"
- This assignment is directly related to my Nutrition and Wellness Curriculum Unit 5 Lifecycle Nutrition.
- Students should have prior knowledge of the following: macro and micronutrients, nutritional needs for children, teens, adults, and elderly, healthy meal combinations, and food marketing tactics and advertisements.
I have created this wonderful interactive informative activity that students can easily navigate! Slides are "GEN-Z" approved! Cute and with the times. It's up to you! Use this resource as an asynchronous self-taught lesson/assignment. OR incorporate this as an activity/assignment alongside a lesson or nutrition unit.
Assignment Goal:
This is a simple, clear, and direct assignment that aims to assess students ability to demonstrate their knowledge of nutrition through each stage of life through applying the 7 health skills of: analyzing influences, accessing resources, interpersonal communication, practicing health enhancing behaviors, decision making, goal setting, and advocacy.
What's Included
A total of 28 slides!
- Slides 1-2: The assignment title page with instructions along the margins to help students navigate the Google Slides. Cute design that gets student's attention! Slide 2 identifies the 7 health skills and provides more information on what the student will be asked to do.
- Slide 3-4: Skill 1: Analyzing Influences. Marketing to Children and Teens Activity with Instructions.
- Slide 5-6: Spot that Brand activity. Students are shown zoomed in pictures of brands. They are asked to identify as many brands as they can. The idea is to have students understand the role that marketing plays on consumer purchases and food choices.
- Slide 7: Students are asked to answer questions related to the Spot that Brand activity.
- Slides 8-9: Skill 2: Accessing Resources. Where to Go?! activity instructions.
- Slide 10: Students are instructed to go to the USDA website to identify the 9 categories of nutrition information.
- Slide 11: Students are instructed to research a local community nutrition resource near them. They are to list the agency's phone number, address, and distance from their home.
- Slides 12-13: Skill 3: Interpersonal Communication. Activity Instructions.
- Slide 14: Students are instructed to utilize their skillset of interpersonal communication and elderly nutrition to role play. They have been give the role of a registered dietitian and are asked to give advice to their elderly client regarding elderly nutritional deficiencies.
- Slides 15-16: Skill 4: Decision Making. This Instead of That Activity Instructions.
- Slide 17: Students are asked to navigate to the "Nutrition: How to Make Healthier Food Choices" article. Using that article, they are to fill out the chart on the slide on alternative nutritional decisions.
- Slides 18-19: Skill 5: Goal Setting. SMART Goal for Adolescent Nutrition Activity Instructions.
- Slide 20: Example SMART Goal Setting
- Slide 21: Students are asked to fill out the SMART Goal template to create a nutrition related goal.
- Slides 22-23: Skill 6: Advocacy. I CARE Activity Instructions.
- Slide 24: Students are asked questions like, why is it important to encourage your friends to consume healthy foods? Students are asked to use the ICARE acronym to convince their friends to make a healthy meal selection.
- Slides 25-26: Skills 7: Practice Health Enhancing Behaviors. Meal Planning Activity Instructions.
- Slide 27: Example Meal Plan
- Slide 28: Students are asked to create a full day of healthy meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks). Each meal should include a protein, fat, and carb source.
* Note - Assignment can be shared as a "force copy". This will allow students to have their own copy. Simply edit the URL on your copy by replacing the word "edit" with "copy". Open the new URL with the word "copy", and share that link with students.
*Assignment can also be downloaded as a PPT to share with students who do not have Google account access.
California State Standards Addressed 7th-8th Grade:
- 1.4.G Define sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
- 1.3.G Explain the effectiveness of abstinence in preventing HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy.
- 1.6.G Identify the short- and long-term effects of HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.3
- 1.7.G Identify ways to prevent or reduce the risk of contracting HIV, AIDS, and other STDs.4
All National Health Standards Addressed:
Standard 1 Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Standard 2 Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
Standard 3 Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.
Standard 4 Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standard 5 Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Standard 6 Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Standard 7 Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
Standard 8Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
Copyright © Not Your Mama's Health Teacher. All rights reserved by author.
*Each purchase is for single teacher use only, and should not be shared with others.
The purchaser is granted permission to make duplicates for classroom use only. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the Internet are all strictly prohibited unless it is a password-protected student website. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Total Pages
28 pages