***Nutrition and Wellness Unit 1 Lesson 2 Contains the Following:
- Lesson Slides
- Info Document
What You Get When You Buy
- Unit 1 Lesson 2: Influences in Food Habits and Eating Trends "Ticket" that includes the following:
- Force Copy Link to Lesson Slides
- Link to U1L2 Information Document
- CANVA Template Links to Edit / Personalize Info Document
Lesson 2: Influences in Food Habits and Consumption Trends (14 Slides)
- California State Standard Addressed (adjust to your state standard):
- 2.1.N Evaluate internal and external influences that affect food choices.
- 2.5.N Analyze the impact of various influences, including the environment, on eating habits and attitudes toward weight management.
- The lesson begins with a Think, Pair, Share Breakout Room Activity. This allows for teachers to assess prior knowledge before diving into the content. Students are asked to think about what influences the foods that they consume.
- The lesson continues with information on the history of food habits.
- Slide 6 contains a link to a EdTed Lesson on Obesity. You can utilize the lesson to have students think critically, dive deeper, and discuss obesity.
- The lesson includes information on diseases associated with obesity, food marketing, and influences on food habits.
- In the “notes” section of the Slides there are some talking points, guides, and ideas, and essential questions for the teacher.
- Next Steps Slide includes instructions for what students should complete next.
Lesson 2: Info Document
- Lesson 2 Info Document contains information learned in the Slide Deck and then some. Students can use the info docs as a “textbook” for the class.
- Discusses nutrition concerns from the past and the present.
- Describes the 3 influences on food buying (convenience stores, conventional grocery stores, and environmental factors).
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